
Seize the Opportunity and Make a Difference          
                                                                                                   by Dr. Kitty Yang


            In the August 10, 2014 issue of the weekly USA Sunday magazine Parade, there was an article Drifting Toward Hope written by Dr. Vinh Chung. He wrote about his family fled in a boat from Vietnam more than 30 years ago and was rescued by a World Vision aid ship from the South China Sea to a refugee camp in Singapore. One Lutheran Church in Arkansas, USA sponsored the family and the family was later granted asylum in the United States. He and his brothers and sisters struggled and eventually succeeded with degrees from schools such as Harvard and Yale.

             In the article Dr. Vinh Chung also mentioned that he got strong faith from the church. One particular bible verse from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 12, verse 48 – Jesus said, “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required” – inspired him when he returned to Vietnam to visit his relatives in 2002. After seeing the poor living situation of his cousins he realized then that he was the one had been given and entrusted with so much. He wrote, “I was the one plucked from the South China Sea. I was the one granted asylum in a nation where education is available to everyone, and prosperity is attainable for anyone. I worked hard to get to where I am today, but the humbling truth is that my hard work was possible because of a blessing I did nothing to deserve. And that blessing is something I must pass on, in any way I can.”

             Dr. Vinh Chung wrote a new memoir Where the Wind Leads. He now serves on World Vision’s Board of Directors.

             Another bible verse in the Gospel of Luke inspired the famous Dr. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965). Albert Schweitzer was born and grew up in a religious and musical family. He was passionately interested in organ playing. His father taught him to play piano when he was five. As soon as his legs were barely long enough to reach the organ pedals when he was eight, he began to play the organ. He was able to play in his father’s church in Günsbach as a substitute organist when he was nine. He attended University of Strasbourg in 1893 to study philosophy, theology, and music theory. He also studied organ lessons with the famous French organist Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937).

              After receiving his doctorate in philosophy in 1899 and another degree on theology in 1900, Albert Schweitzer served as a preacher in Strasbourg, Germany. Schweitzer often compared his happy life of enjoying the studies of philosophy and arts in Günsbach and Strasbourg with other people limited with resources or health situation. He had tried for many years to seek the meaning of the words by Jesus, “Whoever would save his life shall lose it, and whoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospels shall save it.” He wrote in his autobiography, “One brilliant summer morning at Günsbach, during the Whitsuntide holidays – it was in 1896 – as I awoke, the thought came to me that I must not accept this good fortune as a matter of course, but must give something in return.” 

              Albert Schweitzer then made a decision that he would devote himself to serve humanity beginning at the age of thirty. He announced to his family and friends in 1905 that he would start to study the medicine. He received his M.D. in February, 1913 and in March, he went to Lambaréné in central Africa for the first time to fulfill his mission of serving the patients there.

             During his time of studying medicine 1905-1913, Albert Schweitzer also worked on several publications including The Art of Organ Building, Biography of Johann Sebastian Bach, The Formulation of International Regulation of Organ Building, Five Volumes of Bach’s Complete Organ Works, The Quest of Historical Jesus, and Psychiatric Study of Jesus.

             From 1913 to 1965, Dr. Albert Schweitzer traveled to Lambaréné fourteen times to work in the hospital he built. Sometimes he stayed there for couple months, and other times he stayed for several years. Between the stays in Lambaréné, Dr. Schweitzer often traveled to Europe to give lectures and organ concerts to raise fund for the hospital in Lambaréné. He received several honorary doctoral degrees in philosophy, theology, and music from European countries. In 1952, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. 

            Dr. Albert Schweitzer died at age 90 in his own hospital in Lambaréné in 1965. His legacy still inspires many people in today’s world.

            In September 2014, Fu Jen Arts Center will open its new season. I am honored to write this article to share my congratulatory notes as a proud Fu Jen alumni and a musician. Fu Jen gave me four years of excellent education. I would like to give in return to my Alma Mater in whatever way I can to make Fu Jen better and better. I also want to encourage all who are responsible for the project of this new venture with the examples set before us by the mentors such as Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Dr. Vinh Chung. God gives all of us the potential to do more tasks for the better of this society. 

           Each time I go back to Taiwan to visit Fu Jen, I can always see new development in various areas. Soon there will be two MRT trains available to reach the beautiful campus of Fu Jen. Fu Jen has been given a lot from God, from the society, and from people who love Fu Jen. Now the opening of this new Arts Center is a great opportunity for Fu Jen not only to give in return to God, to the society, and to the people who are in need, but also to make a difference in the name of God, in today’s society, and for the people who are in need.

把握機會開創新局面                                                     樊吉蒂博士(管風琴家)

       在八月十日版的全美星期日雜誌 Parade 裡, 有一篇 Dr. Vinh Chung 寫的 Drifting Toward Hope (飄向希望). 他在文中描述他的家庭在三十多年前乘船逃離越南, 在南中國海被一艘世界展望會救援船救起, 然後被送到新加坡的一個難民營, 後來一所位於美國阿肯薩斯州的路德會教會安排他們一家到美國申請政治庇護, 他和他的兄弟姐妹在艱苦的環境中成長, 努力的結果他們都獲得美國一些好學校的學位, 例如哈佛和耶魯等.

       在文中 Dr. Vinh Chung 也提到教會給了他堅定的信仰, 特別是有一節聖經經文, 路加福音第十二章第四十八節, 耶穌說, "當一個人得了許多, 就應該償還許多, 當一個人被付託許多, 他就應該償還更多." 當 Vinh Chung 在 2002 年回到越南探望他的親戚時這個經文給他一個特別的啓發和感動, 當他看到親戚們所處的貧困和落後的慘況, 他頓時瞭解到他就是耶穌所說的那一個得到許多, 也被付託許多的人. Vinh Chung 在文中寫到, "是我從南中國海被救起, 是我在美國得到了政治庇護, 在美國人人可以受教育, 任何人都可以追求幸福的生活, 我非常努力工作以至於我有現在的成就, 但是坦白說我能有這一切都是因為一個從天而降的祝福, 我沒有作任何事讓我配得這個從天而降的祝福, 因此我一定要把這個祝福儘力傳給所有的人.” 

       Dr. Vinh Chung 寫了一本新的回憶錄 Where the Wind Leads (隨著風的引領). 他現在是世界展望會董事會成員之一.

       路加福音的另外一段經文啟發感動了年輕的史懷哲. 艾博特史懷哲Albert Schweitzer 生於 1875 年, 從小生長在一個充滿了宗教和音樂氣息的家庭, 他特別熱衷於管風琴, 五歲起他父親教他彈鋼琴, 八歲時他的腿長到剛好可以夠到管風琴的踏板鍵, 就開始彈管風琴, 九歲時已經可以在他父親任職的 Grünsbach 教堂擔任替代管風琴師. 1893 年 他在 Strasbourg 大學修習哲學, 神學還有音樂理論. 並且跟隨法國著名的管風琴音樂家 Charles-Marie Widor 學習管風琴.

       史懷哲在 1899 年得到哲學博士學位, 1900 年又再取得神學博士學位, 他開始在 Strasbourg 的 聖尼可拉教堂擔任牧師, 史懷哲覺得自己很幸運可以修習他有興趣的哲學, 神學, 和音樂, 相較於許多人因為貧窮或疾病而沒有機會學習甚至沒有好的生活, 他覺得天主給他許多的寶貴祝福, 他常常思考耶穌所說的經文, “凡想要保全生命的, 必喪掉生命, 凡為基督和福音捨掉生命的, 必得著生命." 史懷哲在他的自傳裡特別提到在 1896年一個亮麗的夏日清晨, 他突然有一個感動, 他不應該再將所有他得到的當作是理所當然, 他一定要回饋給這個世界.

       史懷哲於是決定當他三十歲時他要實踐他所作的抉擇奉獻自己去服務弱勢人群. 1905 年他向家人和朋友宣告他要開始學醫, 1913 年的二月他完成醫科學位, 三月即以史懷哲醫生的身份啓程前往位於中非洲的 Lambaréné 以實際行動服務當地的病人.

        1905-1913 史懷哲在習醫的同時段, 他也出版了不少重要的著作, 例如: 製造管風琴的藝術, 巴哈傳記, 製造管風琴的國際規格, 巴哈管風琴樂曲全集, 探討歷史性的耶穌, 以及耶穌的心理研究.

       從 1913 到 1965, 史懷哲醫生一共去了 Lambaréné 十四次, 有時待幾個月, 有時待好幾年, 不在非洲時他就到歐洲講學和舉行管風琴演奏會為他在非洲的醫院籌募資金. 許多歐洲國家頒發給他好幾個哲學的, 神學的, 音樂的榮譽博士學位, 1952 年他也獲得諾貝爾和平獎.

       1965 年史懷哲醫生以九十歲的高齡辭世於他在非洲親手建蓋的醫院, 他的典範至今仍然啟發感動許多人.

       輔仁大學藝文中心即將開始運作, 我很榮幸以輔大校友和音樂人的身份來寫這篇文章與大家共同互相勉勵並表示我衷心的賀意. 輔仁給我終生受用不盡的真善美聖教誨, 我會儘力以我所學回饋輔仁. 我也勉勵輔大藝文中心的所有成員, 從 Dr. Vinh Chung 和 史懷哲醫生所立下的榜樣領會到當我們願為這世界的美好盡一份心力的時候, 天主會賜給我們無限的潛能.

        每當我有機會回到輔仁校園, 我都能看到輔仁在許多方面的進步, 輔仁大學得天獨厚, 很快就將有兩線捷運開到輔大美麗校園的前後門. 輔仁大學建校迄今將九十年, 得自於天主, 國家社會, 和愛護輔仁之友的祝福不計其數, 藝文中心的開啟不僅是輔仁大學可以回饋社會的好機會, 也應該把握這機會榮神益人, 也為教育年輕的一代開創一個不同的新局面。

Kitty Yang, Doctor of Musical Arts



Kitty Yang, grew up in Taipei, Taiwan, and graduated from the Chemistry Department of Fu Jen Catholic University. After moving to USA with her husband she decided to study music and major in organ performance. Kitty received both her Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. She studied with Mr. Donald Sutherland. While she pursued her doctoral degree she was the recipient of the Marian Hayden Organ Scholarship at Peabody. She was also awarded the Peabody Career Development Grant to study in the Summer Organ Institute in Haarlem, Netherlands. Dr. Yang’s Doctoral Dissertation is “A Musical History of the Washington National Cathedral, 1893-1998”. She has performed at the Washington National Cathedral, National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, National City Christian Church, and other churches in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts.
Dr. Yang is currently the Minister of Music at St. John's United Methodist Church in Springfield, Virginia, a position she has held for sixteen years. She oversees a comprehensive music ministries ranging from Children’s Choir, Youth Choir, Youth Instrumental Ensemble, Adult Choir, two Handbell Choirs, a Handchime choir for senior adults, Singing Choir for senior adults, Summer Music Camp, and St. John’s Concert Series. Dr. Yang has lead St. John’s Bells of Praise and the adult choir visited and performed in Taiwan during the Christmas season of 2006. Dr. Yang also performed a concert in Taipei for Taiwan AGO in January 2012. She is one of the judges for the 2014 Taiwan Organ Competition.

Dr. Yang is currently also the conductor of the Prelude Chamber Ensemble, a chamber string orchestra based in northern Virginia area.


曾經是輔仁大學化學系畢業, 自幼即期望能以神所給予的一點音樂天分在教會服事, 1990 年取得美國琵琶帝音樂學院的管風琴音樂碩士, 1998 年取得琵琶帝音樂學院的管風琴音樂博士. 在功讀博士學位時曾獲得Peabody 給予的管風琴獎學金, 並著有博士論文 “美國華盛頓國家大教堂的百年音樂歷史 1893-1998”, 老師是 Donald Sutherland,曾經在華盛頓國家大教堂, 國家天主教堂演奏, 並得到過琵琶帝就業獎金參加在荷蘭舉辦的暑期管風琴研習課程.

樊博士擔任維吉尼亞州春田市聖約翰衛理公會的全職音樂牧師, 至今已十六年, 擔任司琴和指揮不同年齡層次的詩班, 手鐘樂團, 也常和銅管五重奏聯合演出. 樊博士現在也是“序樂室內樂團”的指揮, “序樂室內樂團”成立五年, 經常在維吉尼亞州演出.

在 2006年的年底, 樊博士曾經帶著聖約翰手鐘樂團和詩班在台北衛理公會, 台中東海大學路思義教堂, 和台北輔仁大學作聖誕佈道演出. 2012年樊博士由台灣管風琴協會主辦在雙連教會演奏”主日崇拜的管風琴曲目 – 用音樂敘述基督在世的足跡”. 樊博士也是2014 第一屆台灣管風琴大賽的評審之一.


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